Glenn you forgot to mention that the signature block on Hur's report read:

I am Donald Trump and I approve this message

That said the scenerio you presented would be helpful to the entire election process

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If President Biden would indeed step aside in June and release his delegates, it would be strategically brilliant. Having someone young would energize people who are on the fence specifically because of President Biden's age. We cannot afford another round with trump in the White House. Our nation would not survive as a Republic. Those people who are considering voting for a 3rd party, or an independent in protest to President Biden's age would be handing the election to the MAGAs. I could be very happy with Whitmer, or Newsom, or Booker, or Buttigieg. I'm not so sure about Vice President Harris, because she has been largely invisible. As much as I love the scenario you describe, I have gotten to a point of severe cynicism and don't see anything positive on the horizon. I hope I'm wrong, and I hope you're right.

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Glenn. I love reading your blog as it is a thoughtful alternative to the talking heads even if I almost always have fundamental disagreements with you. You are correct that it is time for Biden to step down. I have an issue about how successful his presidency has been but leave he should. I also agree that the Democratic ticket has a terrific chance of winning under those circumstances. Republicans cannot get out of their own way and we continue to see that in the news every day. As for the report. You did not like what you read so you decided to conclude that the Special Prosecutor was pro Trump and colored the report for that purpose. I have another interpretation. He stated, up front, that Biden’s actions were “willful”. He concluded not to indict Biden and I understand that. His reason was that, due to Biden’s mental state, he did not believe he could prove the issue of willfulness. That is a very different matter. I know you disagree and I honor that. You perform a very valuable service in civil dialogue. Thanks.

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