Thanks, Glenn.. Both our kids are SO opinionated, a touch of self righteous for sure...yet deep thinkers with a solid core. And so glad you and Parke have lunch tomorrow. I look forward to meeting you, and perhaps your wife too? And would you mind if I include you on various activism outreach I sometimes do? I'm judicious about what I'll send...I promise! Shana Tova...my brother's a kosher winemaker, by the by: Covenant Winery. Alison

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Alison, Please put me on your list (although I may put you on mine too!). We all need to work together against the barbarians. My email is Glenn@LMREH.COM. What's your email? Best, Glenn

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I'm old school: create new lists for everything!

FYI: you know we're theater folks too, yes? I made my living as a performer in my 20's...if you can call it a living. Our Taper subscription is last night of each show...maybe we can meet there sometime...though I think I have to change dates for the next show...

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Opinionated and self-righteous feels like a description of our kids as well. We should think about combining a Taper date. Be well, Glenn

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Thank you, Glenn, for lifting up Zora’s perspective

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Alison, You are very welcome. I have received several phone calls and emails commenting on how great this piece was. Zora definitely is a smart one. Nature or nurture, I think you and Parke should take some credit! Best, Glenn

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