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While I usually disagree with you, I value your views. This sort of dialogue is useful and maybe even constructive. In this case you have made smart observations and I think you are correct on many counts. I have one bone to pick (I usually have a few more). The 6 billion has not been used. That is true. Saying that having those funds available to the Iranians makes no difference is certainly not the case. You and I both know that money is fungible. Money that can be sourced for humanitarian purposes in Iran makes if possible for them to redirect other funds to malign purposes without the political or social cost applying their resources that way might have on their population. Did the 6 billion dollar deal cause Iran to support Hamas in the way they have. Certainly not. Did it indicate that they could with little cost to them consent to the go ahead on the Hamas terror plans? One can surmise it was a factor. 6 billion for 6 lives? Possibly a bit much (unless, of course, you are one of those lives or families of one of those lives)

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