
I always enjoy your immensely thoughtful, gracious, informed, kind, intelligent musings. I too am glad to hear that your back surgery was thankfully a success. It is true that these sorts of problems do require ongoing maintenance/upkeep post surgery/treatment. It's a combination of doing all those things to maintain the achieved improvement. I empathize, as I suffer from cervical spinal stenosis, and spend a good part of my time in treatment via physical therapy as well as an alternative, non-invasive therapy involving high dose laser (FDA cleared) that is suppose to reduce inflammation. I'm not so sure that has proven effective. Yet. Unfortunately, my problem is due to arthritis, inevitable with aging. I guess better a stiff neck than a red neck?

It definitely sucks to be in chronic pain.

Your jokes are endearingly corny and square. Refreshing in a time where irony and sarcasm rule.

All the best.

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I am glad you are feeling better. Back pain affects practically everything in your life.

Thanks for the chuckles- some will be appearing on upcoming episodes of Scottails!

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