Wow! That really combined a lot of “musings” today. Not sure how I feel about antiquities. A large part of me thinks they should be returned to their country of origin or people/tribes of origin. They definitely should be put on display…and traveling shows would be important. I was a USC graduate. I started at U of A and was an AEPhi there. I didn’t choose to join when I came to USC. I still have AEPhi friends from Arizona. And one or two whom I knew before for USC. Bad things happening at USC now. I personally think they should close the Greek system down at that campus.

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Sue, Hi. Sorry I haven’t responded earlier. I get the tension on repatriation. I just remember being in Cairo (decades ago) and seeing endless rooms of mummies. Should civilization be better served by spreading these things around? Bad stuff at grays. Makes me sad and concerned. Wishing you well, Glenn

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Hope all is well with you. I’m enjoying your musings, and I hope you are not annoyed with all my replies!

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I love them! And if you want to respond directly, I'm at glennsonnenberg@gmail.com.

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